Fixed – builder’s guide
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Professional calculations for roof insulation – why are they worth your while?
Imagine running calculations of utmost accuracy that guarantee unlimited adjustability of fixings to the real-life needs of the moment, and – mark you – completely free of charge. There is a solution like that on the market.
Professional calculations for roof insulation – why are they worth your while?
Imagine running calculations of utmost accuracy that guarantee unlimited adjustability of fixings to the real-life needs of the moment, and – mark you – completely free of charge. There is a solution like that on the market.
Fixing with steel anchors
Mechanical fixings have been in use since the beginning of the 20th century, and they still remain the most popular type of heavy-duty fixings, especially when used in concrete.
Fixing with steel anchors
Mechanical fixings have been in use since the beginning of the 20th century, and they still remain the most popular type of heavy-duty fixings, especially when used in concrete.
What is the minimum distance between an anchor and the edge of a concrete slab?
Whether you are about to use bonded or mechanical anchors, you really need to maintain a correct distance from the anchoring point to the base material edge. This way you will avoid unnecessary stresses in the material and make sure that the fixing is ultimately secure.
What is the minimum distance between an anchor and the edge of a concrete slab?
Whether you are about to use bonded or mechanical anchors, you really need to maintain a correct distance from the anchoring point to the base material edge. This way you will avoid unnecessary stresses in the material and make sure that the fixing is ultimately secure.
BIM Rawlplug 2.0. Major library update
An operation manual for a high-rise building? A three-dimensional model with countless details and information about the building: materials used, changes made, schedules, and precise specifications. Well, that’s exactly how BIM works.
BIM Rawlplug 2.0. Major library update
An operation manual for a high-rise building? A three-dimensional model with countless details and information about the building: materials used, changes made, schedules, and precise specifications. Well, that’s exactly how BIM works.
Power tool service in Portugal and Spain – a new level unlocked!
The turn of February and March was also a breakthrough in the history of Rawlplug Iberia. The positive change will be felt primarily by its customers, who can already use the newly launched power tool service.
Power tool service in Portugal and Spain – a new level unlocked!
The turn of February and March was also a breakthrough in the history of Rawlplug Iberia. The positive change will be felt primarily by its customers, who can already use the newly launched power tool service.
Choosing the right cutting disc
The choice of a cutting disc should depend on the kind of installation job at hand and the substrate type. When it comes to professional construction work, diamond discs are always the best choice.
Choosing the right cutting disc
The choice of a cutting disc should depend on the kind of installation job at hand and the substrate type. When it comes to professional construction work, diamond discs are always the best choice.
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