
Mobile technical support for Rawlplug’s power tools

2 min

Imagine that you have purchased nails along with a dedicated nailer, and that the manufacturer has trained you on how they should be used, and even provided a replacement tool for the repair period. Can you get anything more? Maybe just an opportunity to freely report defects, or simply to work with

O tym, że to wszystko leży w granicach naszych możliwości, przekonują się od kilku miesięcy użytkownicy elektronarzędzi Rawlplug na inwestycjach budowlanych w stolicy Rumunii oraz jej okolicach. Razem z firmą BALTIC INVEST, wyłącznym dystrybutorem Rawlplug na terenie Rumunii, wdrożyliśmy w życie pomysł mobilnego serwisu elektronarzędzi, który natychmiastowo reaguje na potrzeby kluczowych klientów. Serwis dociera na miejsce awarii, odbiera sprzęt, zapewnia jego naprawę w ciągu 24 godzin oraz równocześnie dostarcza sprzęt zastępczy.

Mobile technical support embodies the highest level of service. Rawlplug Romania is one of our most active European subsidiaries in terms of the implementation of all pillars of our offering, especially when it comes to power tools. Hence the idea to test this concept with them,” says Krzysztof Ryżewski, Business Development Director at Rawlplug S.A. “If it proves successful, we will continue implementing it wherever the sales of the Rawlplug power tools and the number of investment projects involving their use reach high enough levels.

Krzysztof Ryżewski

Project Manager

However, save for some mechanical damage cases, there are relatively few major ongoing repair orders handled by the mobile technical support unit. It is indeed very unlikely that the power tools Rawlplug has provided to our major customers in Bucharest should break down since the mobile technical support unit inspects them on site on a weekly basis. The series of maintenance visits Rawlplug’s service technicians perform on Fridays prove particularly relevant to the tools that require frequent cleaning. These include the aforementioned gas powered nailer. Frequent maintenance makes it virtually failure-free and extends its service life considerably.

The mobile technical support unit operating in Romania is our pilot project. It is one of many links in the chain of comprehensive assistance provided to VIP customers who receive high-quality products, tools, training, and now also streamlined maintenance and repair services, including replacement devices for the time of repair operations.

Krzysztof Ryżewski

Project Manager

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