
Rawlplug Academy Junior. Professional training for students

5 minMichał Raińczuk

Our international school has just got an additional form – exclusive educational activities designed for a younger audience. Interest – huge. Availability – very limited.

The idea of expanding the Rawlplug Academy’s training range had been growing within us for a long time, and roughly since the middle of this year, it has been taking an increasingly specific form

We were extremely motivated by the interest displayed by teachers conducting workshops for students at secondary technical and vocational building schools with a construction profile, whom we meet on a regular basis, for example on the occasions such as the BUDMA trade show. These are often people for whom the construction industry, like for us, is a genuine passion which they want to pass on to the students in their charge.

Dariusz Orłowski

Rawlplug’s Trainer

From day one, we knew that the Rawlplug Academy Junior training activities should be cyclical, because this is the only education form that makes sense. The objective was rather simple: reach as many students from a given school as possible and impart to them as much knowledge as possible, but in such a way as not to overwhelm anyone in one meeting.

We do not impose anything. Tutors can choose the most adequate and interesting subjects for their groups from among the seven available modules: lightweight, mechanical, and bonded fixings, power tools and accessories, direct fastening techniques, facade and roof fixing solutions.

Artur Łuczaj

Manager at Rawlplug’s Training Department

Traineeships for secondary vocational and technical school students

Even before the test phase started, we had known that the training would be delivered in two modes. Some is to be conducted locally, in the schools willing to participate in the programme (for the time being, we are only considering those in the immediate vicinity of Wrocław, but this may change over time). The second mode is live in-person training, held at Rawlplug’s headquarters in Wrocław, featuring theoretical and hands-on sessions at our Rawlplug Academy as well as a tour of the manufacturing plant and a visit to the technical support centre.

“While there shouldn’t be any particular restrictions under the off-site training scheme, the number of places available to the schools interested in the training on our premises is limited; next year, we are planning to organise three such meetings a quarter,” says Artur Łuczaj.

How to sign up? Persons in charge of groups of up to 15 students from secondary technical and vocational building schools with a construction profile should proceed as follows:

  • send an e-mail to artur.luczaj@rawlplug.com
  • or/and call +48 663 540 271 (both contacts are also useful for booking off-site training session).

“It would be best to handle that as soon as possible, since after the first Rawlplug Academy Junior workshops held in November at the Centre for Practical and Lifelong Learning at 1 Głowackiego street in Góra, we were already enquired about the possibility of organising similar training sessions at nearby education centres,” Artur Łuczaj adds. 

Using a rotary hammer? Some operating instructions may come in handy

Based on Artur and Darek’s long-standing observations, it is clear that the free-of-charge (the school only bears the transport costs) Rawlplug Academy Junior workshops can be a sensational add-on to the curriculum, especially to its practical dimension.

Many 16 and 17-year-olds have never held professional power tools in their hands. Thanks to our classes, they can test Rawlplug’s drill drivers, nailers and nail guns, which are used all over the world. They can also learn how to handle them correctly.

Dariusz Orłowski

Rawlplug’s Trainer

That is actually not always as obvious as it might seem. For instance, some of the students attending the workshop in Góra were surprised to learn that you don’t need a lot of force to operate a rotary hammer and that it suffices to hold it properly.

This is often due to what they have frequently observed at home; if my father presses the tool against the wall so hard that some tiny veins start showing up on his temple then it’s surely how it’s done, right? Rawlplug Academy Junior debunks similar myths, so that those who participate in our workshops can be better trained and more qualified right at the start of their professional path. If they should become employed on a construction site in the future, they will have solid practical know-how base and will master the necessary competence much faster.

Dariusz Orłowski

Rawlplug’s Trainer

Professional solutions: power tools, anchors, fixing solutions

It’s not only about theory. Try out professional solutions in practice – this is the slogan guiding the organisation of all Rawlplug Academy Junior workshops – both off-site and on our premises.

It is obvious that the students will benefit from the training scheme, but it will actually be a win-win situation. Meeting the youth and sharing our knowledge with them, we naturally reach out to people who are about to enter the market. We really care about their high competence, because in the near future, they may well become our co-workers, partners, and customers. And yes, money does matter, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be the priority. Especially if – through initiatives such as Rawlplug Academy Junior – we manage to combine the three pillars of Rawlplug’s operations: products, training, and services, into a coherent whole.

Artur Łuczaj

Menedżer Działu Szkoleń Rawlplug

A few days ago another Rawlplug Academy Junior workshop took place, this time in the Rawlplug headquarters in Wroclaw. We will prepare a report about this event for you soon.

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Michał Raińczuk

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