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  2. Epoxy bonded anchor R-KEX-II 3:1 - plastic cartouche - 600 ml

Epoxy bonded anchor R-KEX-II 3:1 - plastic cartouche - 600 ml

Solid walls



High-quality bonded anchor based on epoxy resin, approved for cracked concrete, as well as reinforced and unreinforced concrete

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High-quality bonded anchor based on epoxy resin, approved for cracked concrete, as well as reinforced and unreinforced concrete

  • Approved for use with post-installed rebars concrete (EAD 330087-00-0601).
  • Approved for use in non-cracked concrete (EAD 330499-02-0601), working life up to 100 years
  • Approved for use with threaded rods for use in cracked and non-cracked concrete (EAD 330499-02-0601), working life up to 100 years df
  • Approved for use in non-cracked concrete (EAD 330499-02-0601), working life up to 100 years
  • Extended working time ensures easy installation.
  • Diamond and hammer drilling
  • Suitable for use in dry and wet substrates including flooded holes (use category I1 & I2).
  • Allows removal of bolt to leave a re-usable socket in place

Product video

Rawlplug R-KEX-II Pure Epoxy Resin and Rebar


Cracked concrete C20/25-C50/60

Cracked concrete C20/25-C50/60

Non-cracked concrete C20/25-C50/60

Non-cracked concrete C20/25-C50/60

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Reinforced concrete

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Concrete structures

Elevators and escalators

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Polyester bonded anchor without styrene, recommended for medium loads, suitable for use in most construction substrates

Polyester bonded anchor R-KEM-II standard - plastic cartouche - 300 ml

Polyester bonded anchor without styrene, recommended for medium loads, suitable for use in most construction substrates

Polyester bonded anchor R-KEM-II standard, grey - plastic cartouche - 300 ml

Polyester bonded anchor without styrene, recommended for medium loads, suitable for use in most construction substrates

Polyester bonded anchor R-KEM-II standard, stone - plastic cartouche - 300 ml

Polyester bonded anchor without styrene, recommended for medium loads, suitable for use in most construction substrates

Polyester bonded anchor R-KEM-II standard - plastic cartouche - 410 ml

Polyester bonded anchor without styrene, recommended for medium loads, suitable for use in most construction substrates

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Hybrid bonded anchor R-KER-II standard - plastic cartouche - 400 ml

Hybrid bonded anchor for high loads based on styrene-free vinylester resin for concrete substrates

Epoxy bonded anchor R-KEX-II 3:1 - plastic cartouche - 385 ml

High-quality bonded anchor based on epoxy resin, approved for cracked concrete, as well as reinforced and unreinforced concrete


Resin calculator

Resin calculator



E-learning training

E-learning training

Learn more
Training at the Rawlplug Academy center

Training at the Rawlplug Academy center

Installation guide

Installation manual

Installation step by step


Drill a hole of appropriate diameter and depth.


Wydmuchać pył co najmniej 4 razy przy pomocy ręcznej pompki.


Usunąć zwierciny z otworu za pomocą czterokrotnego użycia wyciora


Blow out the dust at least 4 times with the hand pump.


Umieścić kartridż w dozowniku i przymocować dyszę mieszającą


Rozpoczynając dozowanie z nowego opakowania odrzucić część żywicy, aż do uzyskania jednakowego koloru mieszanki


Fill the hole 70% with resin (follow the assembly instructions specific to the type of resin).


Immediately insert the rebar, slowly and with slight twisting motion. Remove any excess resin around the hole before it sets and leave it undisturbed until the curing time elapses.


Leave the anchor undisturbed unitl the curing time elapses.


Tighten to the recommended torque.

Approvals and publications

Technical library and approvals

Choose document:



DoP-21/0244 R-KEX-II





UK 0836-CPR-23/P6744



UK 0836-CPR-23/P6743




Hygienic certyficate - R-KEX II

Fire Evaluation Report - R-KEX II

VOC specification - R_KEXII


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